Embrace Your Faith.
Find Your Fit.
The mission of First Church is to embrace, equip, and empower people to know and follow Christ.

Welcome To FIRST Church
The mission of First Church is to Embrace, Equip, and Empower people to know and follow Christ. Through our small groups, Sunday School classes, children’s AWE (Alternative Worship Experience), Outreach ministries, meals, other activities, and worship services, we want to invite people to meet Jesus and grow their relationship with Him.
You're Invited!
We're excited to invite you to join us at church this Sunday. It's a mix of traditional and contemporary worship in a beautiful sanctuary. Come as you are to meet new people and find a little inspiration. We're really looking forward to meeting you and sharing this experience together. Hope to see you there!
Ministries For You
What’s Happening at First Church?
Since our cornerstone was laid in 1877, God has continuously provided for Methodist ministries in this community for almost 190 years.